Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ice-Cream Cake... Friend or Foe!?

We have seen the Dairy Queen "Ice-Cream and Cake Cake Cake" commercials for the past few years, as the lyrics are horrible and annoying, the actual product is delicious!! I tried my first DQ Ice-Cream Cake (which was an Oreo Ice-Cream Cake) last night, and as I began to take my first bite I paused for a moment to question my technique of eating this slice of greatness... The problem was that ice-cream is meant to be eaten with a spoon, and cake is meant to be eaten with a fork..... (Think about that for a moment!) What am I supposed to eat ice-cream cake with!? A fork will let the ice-cream drip through, and a spoon does not hold cake the propper way. A SPORK (spoon/fork) would be a fantasic way of eating it, but who randomly has sporks laying around their house?!

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