Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ice-Cream Cake... Friend or Foe!?

We have seen the Dairy Queen "Ice-Cream and Cake Cake Cake" commercials for the past few years, as the lyrics are horrible and annoying, the actual product is delicious!! I tried my first DQ Ice-Cream Cake (which was an Oreo Ice-Cream Cake) last night, and as I began to take my first bite I paused for a moment to question my technique of eating this slice of greatness... The problem was that ice-cream is meant to be eaten with a spoon, and cake is meant to be eaten with a fork..... (Think about that for a moment!) What am I supposed to eat ice-cream cake with!? A fork will let the ice-cream drip through, and a spoon does not hold cake the propper way. A SPORK (spoon/fork) would be a fantasic way of eating it, but who randomly has sporks laying around their house?!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


After reading up on the life in the "roaring twenties" I have learned that I would have enjoyed the experience of the way they lived. Attending the events that marked history, like Bobby Jones winning the Grand Slam of Golf as an amateur, and Babe Ruth calling his home-run. Things were more laid-back in that time and would have made things a lot easier.

Prom Night...

April 16, 2010... Prom night at Batesville High School. I'm nervous, excited, anxious, somewhat delighted... What is more fun than getting "spiffed up" in a tux and having a great time!?!? Prom night will be awesome, going to the dance, then going to hang out with your friends through the night and having a blast.